Everything we do today is geared towards ensuring a safer and more productive tomorrow. Our sustainability is founded on creative, mutually constructive relationships and common values with our stakeholders. We conduct our business activities in a way that creates success, not only for Exxaro but for society too. From how we mine to what we mine, we’re stewarding our natural assets and social capital and using them both to uplift our communities.
Our vision is as simple as this: we want to make a positive impact on the world. We aim to power better lives in Africa and beyond by responsibly investing in commodities that will sustain life on the continent. This goal is being realised by fulfilling basic and primary needs, the things that keep us functioning as a society, through energy, water, and food. We manage to do all this through our commodities and investments in renewable energy, which we are using to fuel our future. Through our growth and innovation, we are working towards becoming an unstoppable source of endless possibilities.
We are committed to being an environmentally responsible organisation. We continue to drive sustainability throughout our business and build on our track record of delivery.
Our unwavering focus on zero harm has enabled us to achieve our record LTIFR performance of 0.05. We focus on identifying and managing inherent processes, external risks with a hierarchy of controls, and stakeholder involvement on our journey. We believe that we can achieve zero harm through continuous improvement and proactive measures.
We improve quality of life, morale, productivity and safety for our employees and communities through a health and wellness strategy that extends beyond compliance with regulations to the sustainability of our industry. The growth and sustainability of our business depend on healthy and resilient employees and host communities.
We believe that the impact of climate change presents a serious challenge to society, our mining communities, and operations. Urgent action is required to mitigate the local and global effects of climate change. We remain focused on lowering our carbon footprint. In a fast-changing legislative environment, with the promulgation of the carbon tax from 1 June 2019, reducing GHGs is a business imperative as it could affect our financial performance. Our carbon intensity continues to show a decreasing trend as we focus on managing our electricity and diesel consumption. We expect this trend to continue as we implement initiatives to support our 2050 carbon-neutrality target.
Exxaro is a responsible corporate citizen and plays an active role in protecting and preserving the environment through initiatives aimed at reducing our carbon footprint. As such, we recognise that we must contribute positively to the global goal of transitioning to a low-carbon economy while managing the immediate needs of all our stakeholders. With that in mind, we released our Climate Change Position Statement in March 2020 and our Climate Change Response Strategy in March 2021.
Exxaro plays a significant role in South Africa as an employer, offering direct and indirect jobs, skills development, as well as Enterprise and Supplier Development (ESD) opportunities. Our socio-economic development strategy, including our approach to education and ESD, is aligned with our vision to have a positive impact on society.
We also consider the long-term perspectives of government strategies, such as the 2030 National Development Plan and the integrated development plans of the local municipalities where we operate.
In the age of worsening pollution crises and global warming, individuals and communities are increasingly aware of the environmental impact of the way we live and work at the dawn of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. We remain committed to being part of the solution as South Africa works towards setting an example of sustainable development for the rest of the continent, and indeed, the world.
Enterprise and Supplier Development
Enterprise and Supplier Development (ESD) refers to a set of affirmative action and local content development measures aimed at promoting economic transformation. Under the revised B-BBEE codes, ESD refers to the combination of preferential procurement, supplier diversity, supplier development and enterprise development programmes.
Enterprise and Supplier Development (ESD) refers to a set of affirmative action and local content development measures aimed at promoting economic transformation. Under the revised B-BBEE Codes, ESD refers to the combination of Preferential Procurement, Supplier Diversity, Supplier Development and Enterprise Development programmes.
Planning early for mine closure is critical to protect the future of the environment and society, and to uplift the surrounding communities. That’s why we prioritise closure planning and mining rehabilitation, ensuring we tick all the boxes before, during, and after the operating life of a mine.